3 barcode scanning software that can instantly determine product prices.

Currently, there are many counterfeit, imitation, and low-quality products being sold in the market. If buyers are not careful in their choices, it's easy to end up purchasing these fake products. DINHTHIEN TMS will share with you the top 3 barcode checking software helping you instantly determine whether the product is fake or genuine.

The most accurate barcode checking software currently

The following software, according to consumer reviews, will help you check whether a product is genuine or fake:

Icheck is a commonly used barcode checking software.

When you want to check information about a purchased product, such as its origin, material, and quality, the best way to do so is by using the Icheck application. This software can provide you with all the details about the product, including material, origin, brand, etc., quickly and conveniently.

This barcode checking software has the following outstanding advantages:

  • It can scan barcodes and QR codes.
  • It checks and traces the origin of the product.
  • Search and purchase quickly and conveniently.
  • Widely used and highly rated by many users.

Barcode Viet App - Check Product Barcodes

Barcode Viet is barcode checking software easiest to use, it can help consumers detect counterfeit goods through barcode and QR code scanning features. At the same time, Viet Barcode can help users check product information quickly.

Advantages of Barcode Viet:

  • The function of reading barcodes and QR codes to access product information.
  • Displays detailed information for each product.
  • Easily search for product information.
  • Integrated with iCheck and offers various benefits.

Barcode scanning and QR code reading software.

The Barcode scanning and QR code reading application combines three utilities in one device, including a QR code scanner, a QR code generator, and a barcode scanner. Additionally, this application can generate QR codes to securely share information with your customers.

Some outstanding advantages of barcode scanning software include:

  • Can scan and read all types of QR codes currently available.
  • Fast reading speed, no need to connect to the internet.
  • Create QR codes for text, phone numbers, etc.
  • Easy to use.
  • Able to store the scanning history of product codes.

Read more: Which barcode scanner is goodCheck out the best barcode scanners on the market 2022

Common errors when scanning product barcodes

Below are the three most common errors you may encounter when scanning barcodes.

Printing error on the barcode label of the product.

The phenomenon where the barcode checking software does not have product information can be due to printing errors by the manufacturer. Almost all product codes are pre-printed by the manufacturer. Each manufacturer has its own barcode, and there are also barcodes with different colors.

Some barcodes may not be printed on a flat surface, so the barcode may not be readable. The color of the barcode also greatly affects the scanning process; the software can only read barcodes with dark bars on light backgrounds.

Errors can occur when the barcode is cut or blurred.

Check whether the barcode lines are clear. If there is any excess or missing ink on the barcode, it needs attention barcode checking software if there is any excess or missing ink on the barcode lines, it may not be readable and product information cannot be retrieved.

Do to external factors

In the transportation process, barcode labels can easily be peeled, scratched, or blurred. Therefore, it's important to ensure that barcode labels remain stable throughout the transportation process. Additionally, some barcodes are sensitive to environmental conditions, so it's crucial to store barcode labels properly and choose high-quality printing materials to prevent any issues.


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So, this article has informed you about 3 barcode checking software good and most common ones today. Each application has its own advantages to suit different industries. If you find the information helpful, please share the article with others!

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